Welcome To Ireland Vinayaka Temple

Daily Services

  • Archana (Ashtotharam: 108 times): €5/-
    Duration: 5 to 10 mins
    Puja detail: Sankalpam with Gothra, Nakshatram, Name etc of the devotee with Asthotharam 108 times Archana
    Schedule: Anytime in temple hrs

  • Special Archana (Trishati 308 times): €15/-
    Duration:15 to 20 mins
    Puja detail: Sankalpam with Gothra, Nakshtram, Name, etc., of the devotee with Asthotharam 308 times Archana
    Schedule: Anytime in temple hrs

Saturday Special Services

  • Abhishekam and Alankaram (At 8:00am)
  • Vishnu Sahasranamam recital (At 7.15pm)

Please see our Advance Booking Services and Pujas below for more details.

Note: Special pujas like Abhishekam, Sahasranama Archana and other personlised pujas will be performed on request basis.
Payments for special pujas can be made at the temple by cash/cheque or through Paypal services at donations@ivt.ie.

Advance Booking Services and Pujas

Donors for special pujas can be paid to IVT by donations@ivt.ie through Paypal.

Priest Booking

Priest services can be scheduled by contacting at feedback@ivt.ie or at 086-8881905.


Shuklaambaradharam vishnum, shashi varnam chatur bhujam, prasanna vadanam dhyaayet, sarva vighna upashaanthaye


Donate to IVT